
We’ve all seen how we’ve been mis-sold second hand dreams, how we’ve been programmed to follow other peoples visions & agendas everyday, over and over, like a corporate sport where the points scored are our attentions and behaviour change. Size zero bodies, coffee shop culture, the silver screen, celebrity lifestyles, package holidays, supersized meals, pubescent models, chunks of metal with exploding engines sold as life goals, the latest, the greatest, dreaming BIG.

As part of the album project we asked ourselves what if we painted every billboard white, cleared out the noise, cleared out the voices and the brainwashing of advertising culture.

What if instead we looked deeply into the eyes of those we love, into our hearts, into the fields and up at the stars and to ourselves in the quiet moments. What would we actually write on that billboard, what would actually make you happy, make a difference, be worthy of shouting from the rooftops to passersby? What would be worth grabbing the attention of those who are dealing with their own life experience, their own personal challenges and battles, their own internal noise. What would be worthy of saying, sharing and etching into another minds eye?
