“Owls & Absynth. There is a big white owl living on the isle of white, he starts the track with a squark. 

The whole this was written and recorded in my brother in laws, (Steve Hewitts) basement studio during lockdown, we drank a load of absinthe as it was all he had left in the drinks cabinet and didn’t think much of what we had put down, till he revisited it a month or so later. The lyrics were written that day so it was all created in about 8 hours. We added the live drums in Greenmount Studios in Leeds with Jamie Lockhert. Jamie has always excelled at drum tones but there is a fill at 1:18 that is quite simply my favourite drum sound on any Hello Cosmos record. 

Steve’s guitar on this is full throttle, really nailed it, might need to buy another bottle of absinthe. The lyrics are a call to action to use the digital devices we have or be used by them.

The joy of the possibilities of the internet and the digital age have been hijacked by tech companies playing us like fruit machines in the attention economy. We all have access to  insanely powerful computers in our pockets. I try to use my device to create, to learn to connect with people. It’s a battle to even pull it out of your pocket and not be drawn into a notification, down an attention hook and into a place someone else wants you to be.” - Ben